Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Liberty or Crown (Corona) 2020 & 2022 Live Update! (2021 was a long-haul blur)


Liberty or Death - Coronavirus 2020!!!!

Is 'political correctness' not an oxymoron? Why qualify truth, honesty, or correctness other than the thing itself?  Correct or incorrect?  Political correctness asserts that there is no black or white, only moral relativism, which goes contrary to law and governing.  What is correct and what is incorrect?  ‘The Big Lie’ (the war on drugs, trickledown economics, if the glove don’t fit you must acquit) makes the many untruths more palatable.

Nobody knows for certain about coronavirus.  It is a Rumsfeldian known unknown.  What is known is that people are dying at higher than normal rates of pneumonia exacerbated by a novel virus originating from Chinese ‘wet (meta) markets’ where captive animals on the verge of being butchered are stacked in small cages in abhorrent conditions where multiple species’ feces comingle.  A guano jumper!  Dying at higher than normal rates are blood-type A, old, fat smokers, also people on cruise ships, city dwellers, and pork factory workers, (you know, the immunocompromised).  The government has made large gatherings illegal so as not to overcrowd hospitals.  It seems that hospitalization has become a human right that supersedes (Trumps) other basic human rights, even though healthcare is still a profit-based institution in America.  Economic externalities from globalization gradually erode and marginalize moral integrity and now the health of the entire world is threatened by our dealing with bat-eating Chinese whose extreme secularization leaves only room for gastronomes with room for more pangolin gelatin! But perhaps my perception is off or perspective limited, perhaps it’s a much nicer, cleaner place than I’ve been led to believe during the four years of the previous administration.  Perhaps the CCP has cleaned up their act!  Perhaps the virus really did come from a lab!

                Now we are presented with two more hypothetical scenarios.  First being that it was an honest mistake.  There was one individual or a small inept cabal that left a site wherein they were doing honest research on mutating viruses in a normally very well-inspected state-run laboratory and everything was completely above-board except for one miniscule lapse or oversight.  Best case, society sacrifices the scapegoat (lit. pharmakos) to the secular god of sinology.  Pure, unadulterated, real-deal, ‘in god we trust,’ currency straight to the dome, *thwack*, some heads roll, clean up aisle 4, go home, have dinner, forget about it all in the morning.  But scapegoats are dirty things!  They come from squalid conditions (think baby Jesus basically born in a barn surrounded by animals).  This one in particular, elevated to the secular equivalent of gonfalonier, a high communal office - entirely merit-based.  This one goat let some particulate slip, one demerit, one sin. Almost excusable if it weren’t for the extreme consequences, high death-count!  Imagine, this one little guy, working in a lab, makes one little mistake and he’s comparable Mao Zedong, statistically. 

The third overall is untouchable because that would go to suggest or insinuate that this was done in clean-fashion, on purpose, for some god-knows-what money-making bonanza for a super-rich cabal that definitely doesn’t occur in communist society where everyone’s as equal as Ma, Jack (see Ali Baba (or think Marco Polo (Silk Road))).

Still, out of the three:

1)      China is dirty, disease-ridden, and their rulers are careless.

2)      China is cleaner than I had been led to believe and Corona is a fluke. Get it?!

3)      China is careful, manipulative, and ambitious.

 CANNIBAL, n. A gastronome of the old school who preserves the simple tastes and adheres to the natural diet of the pre-pork period. From Bierce, A. The Devil’s Dictionary.

So, I’d prefer to believe a combination of all three simultaneously.  Like U.S., C.C.P. is probably very poor and dirty in places, like many ghettos are here in America.  It is likely that mistakes were made, because who wouldn’t call a global pandemic a disaster, whether natural or manufactured?  Are we not all affected similarly by death and disease?  Well, not exactly if you look at the whole thing from an economic-security standpoint by the fact that certain groups profited while others languished or lost.  But, we were told we were saving lives by shutting down and accepting bail-out.  Could we not all agree that saving lives is more important than cash? ‘How can you think about money at a time like this?’ Preying on our susceptibility for generosity, a deep-rooted Christian ideal of helping ones neighbor in a naturally communal fashion.  Over time, and due to immense suffering, many become more prone to doubt their own faith, being gas-lit en masse.  (And some mistakenly doubt their Christianity, not the Democrats’ taxation policy).  There are now a fractured citizenry of those who believe what they see that is right in front of them and maintain something in the form of common sense.  Then there are those who believe the meta-narrative and remain indoors, take mind-altering medications, and become strangers to the rest of us.  A transmogrified fear-monger goes traipsing down aisle 4, a one way, for ass-wipes.  Sold out!? For how long?!  Does some bad arithmetic.  Settles for tissue paper.  Sees man wearing mask incorrectly.  Hurries the other way.  Gets cornered.  Lashes out.  Pulls out smartphone as a form of self-defense.  Cowers.  6 feet!  Under covers.  Depressed.  Take prescription from Zoom®-diagnosis.  Zoloft.  At least next-gen SSRIs are safer than Paxil™!

The real manufacturers of disaster, the 4th estate, amplify a sickening fear.  Who should aspire to write for a living?  (I’d monetize if I could, but just because I can, doesn’t mean that I should.)  Selling numbers spiked with meta-laxative.  Selling statistics of the moment, spiking in real-time, sell when it spikes, like a stock-market algorithm, computer-models dictate how this pandemic should spread.  And it is an accurate predicative model, and the more information people voluntarily feed it, the more efficiently it runs to our own fear-based self-reflective detriment.  Another mirror in the hall, thank the lord that Home Depot® remained open so I could do some home improvement or else I’d be really bored!  And thank Alexa Amazon® Prime was there to bring hits of dopamine home on demand for binging!  And as long as Netflix® documentaries continue to expose the truth of those in power, we can trust we know our government (like our government) knows U.S., right?

The real manufacturers of disaster, Pfizer®, stick us with what?  Jab us with what?  Sell us what?  (Just because you don’t see the cost of something in the moment, doesn’t mean it’s not there.  Everything exacts its price in due time. Unintended consequences of unnatural acts, ambitious to the point of slavishness.)  Exiled to Yugoslavia?  Sheesh!  What was I saying?  Oh yeah, this vaccine I don’t know enough about to comment fluidly intellectually, but what I do know from what I’ve heard is that this thing was supposed to be the magic bullet and we all needed to get it to stop the spread, but oh wait, it seems that even though you get the vaccine you can still get COVID (although not as bad of a case, on average) and you can still spread it, so… can we or can’t we go back to normal?  Well, no, and now you need not just the second in a series of shots, but-and! two additional boosters to be up-to-date on auto-immunity.   So as the third in a series mutations wanes, and the virus has basically run its total and inevitable course despite every effort, where are we?  Devastated by our inability as a society to prevent death or by increasing individual short-sightedness?  As if any one of us is getting out of here alive!  At least let me live while I’m here!  And not through simulacra and simulation!

But wait, the government is paying me to believe this narrative in the form of stimulus money?  Someone or something is buying me off.  Again, there is no 'free lunch.'  (Just because you don’t see the cost of something…)  How long until inflation makes the whole economic situation worse for everyone, en toto?  Approximately one year, not that long.  So now everything costs more, and I can be evicted?  And there’s no more free money??  Well, well, this is not ideal, now, is it?  And I still have to wear this fucking mask like a slave??  Ok, ok, I’m going off the deep end.  Breathe (hot, recycled air). I'm just a servant of the Lord and this is what the lord prescribes for all of our own goodness' (sake).  

Is this not a form of pain resonance?  I’m already hurt.  Maybe I’m just projecting my own feelings, but therapists say, ‘I should be in touch with my feelings,’ so why shouldn’t I consider this just an expression of that?  It has to come from somewhere, (the creative process in general).  I’ll tell you what! If it weren’t for TV or the Internet, ideas would still come from somewhere.  If it weren’t for radio or for books, ideas would still come from somewhere.  I don’t think anybody really wants to go back to the dark-ages in time, but if we have reached such great heights as we are apt or liable to topple over, one best tread lightly.  There is a Tower of Babel metaphor in my mind that won’t remit.  My right wrist, then my right shoulder, then the index finger on my left hand, and other lower body trauma indicate I’m moving much too quickly for my own good.  What am I running from if I’m not going anywhere?  Stay-alive exercise?  YMCA, baby, Bee-Gee!  I can’t really go anywhere fun anyway, what with everything that was good in this city shut down because of mandates!  Wait, am I living in a ghetto?  F.  What if the chosen people were all a little touched (by the Lord)?  Am I retarded?!  Am I Jewish!?  Do I subscribe to a certain mythos that won’t remit?  Is my mythos in touch with reality?  Is my mythos touched?!  Oh jeez.  What if history weren’t as circuitous as historians pronounce?  AND HERstorians, ok… 

My heart, oof.  If home is where the heart is, I may be historically home, but am I home-home?  What is unknown about the myocardium?  Nothing my cardiologist could not explain!  What a comfort!

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