Sunday, December 20, 2015

Scio a Carmene

We do well always and everywhere to give You thanks and praise for the glory of His church, who laid the groundwork for the form designs (icons) Whose window blueprint a glory box with radio antennae for a cross on a steeple.  Redress the graves of those who went before us to increase the rates of rolling corpses there, in the system, and thus calculate the rates of disapproval against the binary standard by the invisible Hand of the proper authorities who properly sort papers, action amended.

Persistent in perpetuity, the lucrative species evokes the necessary responses requisite to form desired outcomes. ‘Cause loyalty to the institutional standard that derives power through obfuscation filters, a CREAMy crust that forms on the surface. Erratic logic diagrams of binary log (decision-making prefrontal cortex) of peaks and troughs, signs of logically low posits of uncertainty.

“’Say at last – who art thou?’
‘That Power I serve
Which wills forever evil
Yet does forever good.’”
Goethe, Faust, from Bulgakov, M., The Master and Margarita.

The phrase ‘hooked up’ is an urban colloquialism that comes from the Christian notion of Jesus being a ‘fisher of men,’ and thus, there comes an appreciation for being caught in a net presence of divinity. In science, however, the calque comes from ‘Hooke’s Law,’ which creates dual meaning, wherein the body being acted upon is being upwardly elevated not as from a force from above, but being pulled from a force from below.  The alternate urban notion to having been ‘hooked up’ follows the physical notion of having been ‘sprung,’ wherein the body achieves the physical state of achieving upward mobility in an imagined sense, psychologically associated with an object used to ‘get high.’ Furthermore, in the Christian sense of the word, the alternate position achieved by the body put in motion has an indefinite recurrence to its former position (pendulously), whereas the use of the sense of the word derived from physics presupposes a repositioning due to gravity or some other form of periodicity inherent in the mechanistic act, (where the body having been sprung upwards is sure to fall). Thus comes confusion arising from the religious sense of belief based on orthodoxy (‘right belief’) and the scientific sense of the phrase that is based on method or habit, viz. orthopraxy (‘right action’).  What is the science of ascension?  (Quantum rockets.)

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