Thursday, March 31, 2022

Apophantic Inspissation


Smoking as a ‘good habit’ (without Godot to tell me otherwise).  Tired of waiting?  I was staying in bed, dream-looping a trip to the toilet while remaining put until enuresis.  This is me avoiding the spontaneity that is anything spontaneous happening to me!  The victim of a potential trauma that may require a nurse’s assistance!  To l’hopital!  Where a salty nurse, begrudging her job doesn’t really care whether patient 'A' lives or dies.  (She begins to care when patient Omega threatens her livelihood, key to her very life.)

“Anybody can stay up to 3, try 4, with a (key) bump, but try waking up at 4 (and staying awake) to see a real G suffering,” a day nurse recognizing a drug epidemic has her working overtime administers a Demerol to supplement a Fentanyl patch for a hit-and-run victim of unpaid debt to a black-market drug-dealing collective. This new addict will be able to be farmed for his prescription fills in his convalescence.

“Books done?” at a warehouse so stereotypical of villains.

“BBQ’d,” Another burn victim presents.

“More morphine, STAT!” as a smoky mess agonizes on a gurney.

“What did he do to get burned this way?  I can smell the gasoline.  This was no crash.”


Synecdoche of a catachrestic metonym: What it’s like to live at the wrong place at presumably the wrong time.  You just feel like Jonah being thrown overboard to pacify the sea. Since he seemed so at peace with the roiling seas, fast asleep, he presented not a hand on deck despite the captain’s calling, (one might interpret, given the Biblical context).  Every able-bodied man who didn’t want to be swallowed up by a big fish should have reported.  Nary a ceremony of the plank for the condemned!  The captain was convinced based on pure logic – do unto others – that he would always be a deckhand, and that if he ever missed a day of duty, he’d be willing to suffer the fate of Davy Jones.  Especially when one considers it is possible by some miracle to arrive on the shores of Nineveh a more enlightened being!  Just ask Yann Martel!  If Zarathustra can experience enlightenment from talking to monsters and rocks, how much more so is one enlightened by navigating the sea?  How much Will is required to smack Chris?!

“Christ almighty!  I couldn’t believe!" and back into his own thoughts,  "The thing is I get bummed out when I disappoint myself and instead of not disappointing myself I perform rituals that allow me to feel less bummed out, but the things that I do to feel less bummed out bum me out sometimes more than I felt before,” speaks an addict archetype.

“It’s only natural to desire to feel more or not-go-numb in other parlance,” says my maternal therapist, “although the occasional psychotic episodes may be found to be problematic in uncertain company.  Which is really why one should surround oneself with those deemed trustworthy,” which makes common sense enough it seems. “That one Pink Floyd song, ‘Comfortably Numb’ comes to mind.  The dark, existential quandary of trying to escape oneself, or at least avoid what it is about oneself that is painful to experience or re-experience.  But are any two April showers identical?”

Baby Cantillon’s fontanelle!  Is there any other way to see Hell?  Here goes Virgil, I suppose:

            I can’t I can’t I can’t (go to)
            Canton, OH(IO).  Canto?
            I shake my head ‘no’.  I hear myself
            sing. No secrets? No secretions?
            Does nothing become sanguine?
            Do I feel no shame? When I act
            in accordance with nature or my will,
            what seems like a mistake becomes a
            learning experience which will in turn
            become a consequence of who I am.
            What is it like to be me? Few know,
            fewer care, but I’d rather be
unknown in a world not meant for me, not particularly
motivated nor enlightened enough to be.  Whatever
one might say of privilege, if I didn’t have any,
I suppose it’d be an honor to know, or at least
be introduced.  What is unidentifiable is always
the greatest threat because it really makes one
feel out-of-control (which I guess is desirable).

In today’s day ‘n’ age, Will attempts to divide a diamond on live TV with his bare hands!  A retiring mineralogist speaks to jade:

I’m outside myself.  I’m not interested in you anymore.  I have to build myself up just to be around you, and you’re no longer worth it to me.  It’s hard for me to do what I do - act this way – and I no longer find it enjoyable to be around you, to be in your presence.  Although I consider myself a righteous man and understanding certain commitments and vows were made to one another both in public and in secrecy, they are null in my soul and void in my heart and that is a feeling that is both total satiation and emptiness at the same damn time!  If I had more words for you or things to say, I would, but I’m out.

So he leaves his old home (that is an embarrassment of wealth-equality in that neighborhood), punching bag slung over his back, a work in progress.


How is my inner hummingbird not self-referential?  Source of sugar-water I suppose, psychic hologram feet give birth to Rowan Atkinson's face.  If one’s failure is inevitable, fail, and get over it.  Sisyphus scoffs (but keeps pushin’!).  So far my consciousness practice has net me three hours today that in days prior I would have slept.  As I enjoyed long nights, so too shall I enjoy my longer days?  Life is but a dream!  Excessive rest and audiences lose interest.  What are you, retired?  Of the world, but not at the same time, stories of ascetic monks creep in from Asia, where feats of endurance continue.  What we see as a war may be considered a scuffle to the history of the land itself, reclaiming a deforested urban center (capital or not) that has not enough root (chakra) to sustain itself on the surface of the suddenly engulfing terrain.  Is this person really upset about how I oriented my table, my orientation, or about tables in general?  Considering what it would mean to love again (since the way things have gone leading up to this moment are with the wind) I ask myself, How have I loved?  How have I lost (definition)?  How have I lead (as a leader) to this moment?  Lovingly or steely?  Look!  Not every scenario or situation in this life calls for love when our very survival’s at stake!  There’s a time and there’s a place to slap the shit out of Rocks, and it’s definitely at the Oscar’s where he’s as vulnerable as my half-deaf friend who acts because it has served him in the past to get out of difficult situations with those who are gullible, ignorant, or naïve enough to buy it.  Those I feel sorry for, are they even grateful for my pity?!  That’s a thing, nobody in this world enjoys your continual condescension.  The echo from the noise of you going down those stairs reverberates like a stomping megaphone.  All the way down to slap the shit out of the very Devil who wasn’t expecting that sort of attention!  What did (s)He do (lately)?!  It’s like you can never forgive some people who require the sort of judgment no mere mortal man may mete.  What is the discipline and the punishment or the total reformation that must be undergone to rehabilitate society itself?  Build Back Better, baby Brandon! (And include funds for the Better Business Bureau while you’re at it, because some of these corporations are operating at disconcerting levels of efficiency.)  But there’s more to be said about the hungry little Caterpillar® than mere autophobia (literally ‘fear of self,’ but means, fear of abandonment (of self (which happens so prevalently amongst those supposedly most fearful of it, it's a wonder they don’t do anything to alter their aberrant behaviors)).  How is one to simply walk away from ‘the good life?’  How is one to walk away from an autocratic leadership role?  I got really good at snapping my fingers and getting a Coach bag, a haircut, and coochie!  Now what am I supposed to do, dance again?  Probably the best way to make the most money after a stunt like that!  But now I’m going back into a course of bad thinking that monetizes everything and gives nothing away.  Am I a miserly sort?  Who, when willing, doubts one’s ability to succeed in obtaining an object of desire?  What, more suffering?  Screw you again, Buddha, twice!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Synecdoche of a Catachrestic Metonym: A Hectic Nervure!


Just so you know, the whole thing is fucked up from the outset, so how is this a good use of your time?  Rejection of genera is normal in healthily working biological systems when competitors encroach (although encroachment itself might be a natural result of its healthy functioning).  I love your rejection of me, dude with longer hair and worse eyesight at the bar on St. Patrick’s Day, Bergamasco dawg.   The fact that you don’t want to be around me is comforting.  Although the fact that you’re still talking about me is disconcerting, despite claiming to lack interest.  Why doesn’t the day of the week matter to you?  Are you nihilistic, out of work, or both?  Are those my only options, Monday, Tuesday, holiday, etc.?  I was lead to believe these were just points of reference that we share in common, or perhaps you don’t believe in the use of language itself?  I always forget I might just smell bad to those with acuter olfactory senses.  I’ve often been told that deficiency in one sense strengthens another.  Although I don’t know how smelling things better is advantageous.  Berg-boy replaced Brian who ran out of GHB a decade ago as one sitting on my sinister side.  Brian, he’d take a 20-drink equivalent punch in a bottle cap at Club Marcella’s, have his guts pumped at the hospital, and make it back before closing time a hero!  But now he’s got the 8-year itch from too many benzos and the nervousness of one unable to reflect upon sound advice or sit in soundness in general.  You just can’t get through to a guy who is hearing startling noises almost constantly!  How is one word supposed to make more sense than any other?  Well, you get down to a point of contention with nearly anyone and they’re bound to react poorly.  Often when you’re not trying to be contentious!  I just am!


“Living with abandon” means to cut loose, to see what happens next, to refuse to plan.  Often seen with ‘living life to its fullest potential,’ it is rarely seen anymore what with panic attacks caused by putting my cellphone in a different pocket than usual and for a moment believing I’d lost it entirely!  How is one to live life to its fullest potential without the ability to detach from a perceived lifeline that didn’t exist a generation prior?  Why is it so difficult to relate?  Relatability?  It’s probably because no one knows what’s going on anymore!  In niche information warfare, the only way to retaliate is by going silent.  One may banish, but one cannot kill what is already dead; a ghost.  Bound to an exterior dimension, how can one contact a deceased individual but through necromancy?  Do ghosts exist?  To a Christian, or to Saul, the Holy Ghost may manifest if conditions are ripe, but who among us has circumcised ears to hear truth?  One with self-professed ‘abandonment issues’ such as the fear thereof expresses how it feels to be left alone while staving off. Some are so insatiable they stave off quite constantly.  Meanwhile, those without issuing such a self-profession do their own thing without bones.  Like the Blob? Spooky!  This one guy, Bob, (in defense of his Blue Lives Matter flag) loves police, but hates how law is enforced.  Should one be allowed to take a knee while the anthem is being played and still be considered patriotic?  Having been banished, sent into exile, or in her own eyes, abandoned, this one girl, Napo-LeAnne, why does she threaten to be my snitch?  (She wants to snatch my purse!)

                He who knows how to live can walk abroad
                Without fear of rhinoceros or tiger.
                He will not be wounded in battle.
                For in him rhinoceroses can find no place to
                thrust their horn,
                Tigers can find no place to use their claws,
                And weapons no place to pierce.
                Why is this so?  Because he has no place for
                death to enter.

                From: Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, Ch. 50. Gia-fu Feng & Jane English translation.


Imprison those who wish to imprison others!  Let the star manifest courage!  Let the pop diva sing her guts out!  Let there be only one fear and that is fear of the Lord viz. fear itself.  Let me live righteously and let my ghost speak to others good words.  If only I could heal myself I might become corporeal!  City of good neighbors: city of good hosts: good fences establish and represent healthy boundaries.  Much disease is sex-related.  Is there any such thing as infinite compatibility?  Jesus gets along with anyone who’s anyone who supported his followers along the way to some afterlife with mansions!


“Imagination…the ambiguous locus in which the shattered but insistent continuity of nature was united with the empty but attentive continuity of consciousness.” Foucault, M. The Order of Things. P.160


Fat garage-dwelling cardinal attacked by skinny, fit cardinal!  Birds of a feather are tweeting ‘kill! kill!’ Partaking too much of mana from god?  Where does my ego end and the word of God begin?  Walking to the old Hess® station for rolling papers, basically rolling out of bed, feeling self-conscious, ‘should I get a haircut?’ ‘no, I didn’t brush my teeth.’ ‘should I turn around?’ ‘no, that would be cowardly.’ Does anyone really care beside me?  Doesn’t this thought-process come down to beauty and judgment of sexual selection?  Respectability is also a tweaked socio-psychological standard that is malleable/not absolute.  There are various busy communities interacting within society at large, so to base makeup on numbers is to over-generalize: It is to base an assessment of an entire system as if upon its most dominant feature.  Is this a distinction, a distraction, a detraction, or all three?  Because there are various busy (multicultural) communities interacting within society (US Americans) the tendency to define the totality of this exchange-process by finite terms tends to be taxing, and misleading, or if it is somehow accurate, no less mind-boggling.  Even terms numerically-based at best provide a series of metaphorical snap-shots that fluctuate as a rolling tide provides an Alabama head-coach a tidy base-salary.  Is he so single-minded as to be predictable?  Truth is, those who conform themselves to predictable models, while comfortable in their form-fit (ergonomic) efficiency, fail once they are figured out by opposing forces.  A cast both heals and slows.  The cast of “Rent,” Emily?  What are they saying?  As a foot in a cast resets and fixes a bone that is broken, so too does it inhibit, weaken, or even deaden if over-utilized.  A swollen metric, a system of growth out-of-proportion with an intended totality/wholeness needs be excised or otherwise removed before its dominant feature compromises it or makes the whole thing sickly.  This condition or process should become readily apparent as it worsens.  This tendency toward terminology represents the big, fat ego-death we’ve all been fearing!  (Or perhaps a pilgrimage to Mt. Kailash if you’re a more enlightened being like Sadhguru (JRE 3/14/22)). Once one defines what is wrong and needs to be fixed, one is confronted with the task of having something better to do than fritter, (although fritters tend to be delicious).  What are our top physicians obscuring from the public domain?  What are doctors hiding from their patients or have circumstances somehow gone beyond epidemiological control?  The soil of the Earth is akin to the skin’s epidermis, (burning like Brian’s, (suffering some of the sins of mankind.))  Sadhguru is out there with heavy Ghandi dharma, carrying on a righteous fight for sovereign minerals.

Ah me, here is nostalgia for that fragmentary part of myself; broken away from, never to be replayed.  Multimediae provide the illusion of replicability in everyday life, but even our illusions get worn-out like tatters.  What is the nature of one’s servitude?  What is the nature of one’s chains of bondage that are so exhausting that one, striving to break free, fails to often?  Tony Robbins’ charisma, Batman!  Just look at his teeth, what a philanthropic gift-horse!  Lilies of the field in all their empty bravado become florid.  Back to Bergamasco’s beliefs - something that doesn’t make sense (to me) as an interiorly held belief such as an anti-work credo (where the tilt of the earth nor the angle of the Sun have no bearing upon months, despite the obviousness that it plays certain roles in energetic protocols) to represent a detachment from one’s natural self.  Why does savior faire rub anti-social people the wrong way?  It is unfortunate to become troglodytic – wherein life reverts to a primordial state of being wherein the natural stressors of life detract from consciousness-potential, especially if that form of cave-dwelling is detached from earthen substance.  (Source of battiness?) I have also considered the fact that perhaps people perceive mistakenly that I have an alcohol addiction, when it’s just a vehicle for my own suffering and overcoming suffering for others.  It’s so hard for Brian to sit still for more than two seconds!  (He loves seeing me take down car-bombs like a champ).  “He’s got that fighting liver!” knowing nothing about milk thistle, liver betraying him with painful, burning itchiness when he’s off the bend.  Perhaps he’d like to see me share in suffering a similar fate.

The problem with journalism is that it’s of the day and not of the moment.  I’d need to separate myself from my belief in le jour to attain a more granular form of consciousness.  Less leisure?  ‘Please!  Treats!’  ‘no more until you’re room is clean’ ‘but what does clean even mean?’ My organizational structure needs work to function optimally.  Feng Shui protocols vs. protracted procrastination, there is indecision about which problem to tackle first, and hypothetically next.  If I suppose my intellect to be sharp enough to solve epistemological relationships, then perhaps this functioning could be applied to make differences elsewhere as well.  Well, I need to smoke now to be fully-functional again by noon, (in order to summon hum…what now?)  The strength of will to go against the day!

“There are no problems, people are going to be angry at you for no reason or any reason at all whether you like it or not!  In all seriousness, my seriousness is just an act that angry audiences depreciate, my tragedy for the sake of Sult.  Horrific (Kafkaesque) hunger that I just smile and laugh about because I’m lucky in that American ideal way, that is skinny, troubled skinny with drug problems (cravings) and other insatiable recurrent thoughts that apparently demand answers,” Mike Belmont scribbled in a journal on a Jinja safari next to seasick Steve (who hated to be landlocked.)  “There are no easy answers other than to be close to the land that you’re originally from and love it as one who loves anything in this world ( - with devotion).”

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Antifederalist physiocrat: Weltanschauung exegesis


Explosion at DeBeer’s Diamond Factory: Jewels Reign the Sky!  Newsflash from the news-desk of anchorman Sangri San.  A gray pallor upon the overnight janitor who was caught up in all the glitz and glamor in crates set to detonate. 

How am I supposed to journey into meditation amidst all the jarring adrenaline?

Norm’s kick, Adam Eget, thinks the Holocaust was an elaborate hologram!

It's still important to be/remain cautious/vigilant when things are good, because there are those that might target you out of envy/jealousy to take your guards down by exploiting your castle’s good graces.

Rule:  You can sit and do nothing, or you can write, for a set amount of time, in one place, (alone in my room for hours talking about Jesus).  Controlled environment, set standard, fluctuations of light. 




Feeling clearer than when I did upon awakening before 8 a.m. today.  TNT (tobacco and two teas, combined), give me a prize, Nobel (No Alarms, No Surprises), for getting up early and blasting off!

Who do I think I am, someone who can become a writer?  Neil Gaiman apparently chains himself his desk for 8 hours a day where he can either do nothing, or write.  This method works, but how many hours am I capable of committing?  Where are my priorities?  Mail?  Facilitating simple joys for a simple sample of people who live in a general proximity for a majority of the time of their lives, communing mostly with family members and members of their tribe, often stationary/stationery.  But those tribal bastions in far-flung towns require their parsimonious bounty, (the wealth accrued from being frugal, miserly, or stingy).  They require favors, taxes, or tributes!  Some sort of glowing recognition for material satiety!  Does a flaw always have to be a judgment, or can it simply be an indication?  Judgment comes with corrective measure.  Are some flaws unassailable?  Endemic, built into the system, but whose personality isn’t a bit quirky?  Is it worth tearing an entire body of work to the ground, metaphorically, in order to reorient?  Songs end and people sleep.  Sometimes there are lulls in the process.  Problem is, people get bored, and in their boredom, often invent problems to flaws that are just part of being human, and instead of working with what is known (about this process), they draw upon the irreconcilable inconvenience of breathing, eating, or growing old, huffing and puffing, munching glizzeez (hot dogs), and becoming crotchety.  Becoming a complete tear-down remodel (a creature in action, becoming something!)

The thing is I’m still thinking about her; I had a dream the other night with my ‘why’ and my best friend at a Niagara Falls-type destination with concrete and mass amounts of rushing water that we were precariously close to.  Like the Devil’s Hole, but more intense (the Devil’s Anus?) it was an open hydroelectric plant, like a windfarm for water.  I remember churning generators.  We were unafraid, dipping our bodies in parts to experience the rushing without getting carried away.  I think this is a metaphor for the tenseness I felt being with this person, where there was a constant fear of some punishing force imminent at any false step, but knowing that the fear was also energizing and fostered a heightened awareness that helped me not get swept away unto death.  A more potent baptism?  This reminds me of a couple quotes I pulled from Dune:


“’Anything outside yourself, this you can see and apply your logic to it,’ she said. ‘But it’s a human trait that when we encounter personal problems, those things most deeply personal are the most difficult to bring out for our logic to scan.  We tend to flounder about, blaming everything but the actual, deep-seated thing that’s really chewing on us.’” P.195

“There should be a science of discontent.  People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles.” P.206

On 7/11/21 I wrote while I was away in Buffalo:

Now I know my ‘why’ suffers from borderline personality disorder (BPD).  This revelation provides empathy & forgiveness, yet as much as I’d like to reach out and comfort her, I know that any such action is likely to provide false hope which will not benefit either of us.  Her belief in her own paranoid thinking creates a villain of me.  What she cannot see she distrusts, as a product of her poor conditioning (my judgment).  My absence is her bugaboo and abandonment a particularity (so she says, but in the end, she showed more interest in moving into my house than my person leaving indefinitely).  There can be no true love where distrust exists, for trust is rooted in truth.  As shifting sands provide no true bedrock, the mind that plays tricks on itself-and-others cannot reason.  It is too dangerous (especially in my line of work, but probably in general) to be closely associated with someone so emotionally mercurial.  My work is primary – it gives me identity, purpose, and security – all if which is being undermined in pursuit of partnership / disorganized courtship.  Especially when it comes to consorting with the types of female I seem to attract.  Aren’t we all especially something?


What I should fear the most is that my will become separable from God’s.  When I overdrink, I become fearless even to the extent that I lose my fear of the Lord and become corrupt.  Jesus, one pair of silent footsteps on a beach in the sand along a sea, carrying me, spins me around into a pile-driver suplex.  Now I’m a fucking ostrich!  It happens that fast!  There is the possibility that our existence is but a dream that we dream in the dream of another.  “Mother?  Is that you?”

“Yes, Oedipus.”

“Call me Rex.”

Yuck.  Could you imagine laying an ostrich-sized egg like that?  Nourishing, sure, but the butt-stretch!

“I have to explain something to you.  Eggs don’t come from butts.  See cloaca in your AP Biology textbook, Rex,” the queen leaned in with a wink, homeschooling.

Are you’re out of your mind?  This is my life story!  Look at me, taking personal ownership for my own reputation!




‘Why’ does she texts me at 0416? Yes:

“Legit the fact that your trying to fuck my over when you are the pierce of Shit… bro.. you’re 37 grow up.  Get a job. Realize if you push me to this point.. look and look far

I won’t be far behind Cunt


And her new ‘Source’ at 0431:

You dumb mother fucker

You just tried to block me from my own life!? I’ve done nothing to you to deserve this.  Best believe you’ll see me very soon face to face.

I know where you live as I am trying to live my life without you ruining mine.  Either back the fuck off or come with heat.  I have a great lawyer.  I also have not anything.  You sir have a life long sentence of breaks

You are literally right around the corner in Buffalo

Oh wait! You didn’t know

Back off or I show up with cops at your parents

This isn’t a threat since you online harassed and took my accounts


And now I can feel myself cycling/spiraling through a comfort-routine, giving empathy and time to what will amount to a coke-addled wreck tomorrow afternoon with more wrath in store.  This increased self-inflicted suffering is someone else’s fault!? Certainly not. As long as I keep my lines of communication open, this will filter back through to me in some form or another that will result in an experience that will mirror my own reverberations in my heart.  To be anxious.  To be agitated.  I feel her feelings! And I like it because it gives me energy, but I don’t like it because it shocks me out of my complacency.  This is something I’ve been praying for, perhaps simmering at the cusp of consciousness, that is, another chapter perhaps interesting to a reader of psychological case-studies, a D.S.M. almanac/all-maniacal.  What is objectively true and what isn’t?  Can I get a character witness?

A)     I’m 36.

B)      Calling me Cunt is inflammatory.

1)      I’m not dumb, nor am I Oedipus Rex.

2)      I don’t even know her Source (7763).

3)      This is definitely a threat.


How is one to react when an irrational smear-campaign has begun?  From Quora®, House, J. 2021:

“The fact that the narcissist feels you parted ways with your head held high, will cause them to feel very low.  And they need to reverse this.

“The smear campaign is a way for the narcissist to try and take you down, indirectly.  Level the playing field, as they would see it.

“And they are more likely to run a smear campaign, when they had a last minute effort to take you down before they left, but it was unsuccessful.

“Now, they need to set the record straight.

“If you left the narcissist in similar circumstances… beware… because something is cooking.”

So I best beware, because she hasn’t paid the rent in Oklahoma City this month.  Both numbers are from the 828 (Asheville area code).  There’s a storm brewing!  There’s a cocaine cooking crack whore!  There’s only one worse job: crack whore understudy.  Thanks, Norm!  To be honest, all I want to do is fall into my own comfortable psychosis by smoking and drinking the day away, but I sense a sobering danger on the metaphorical horizon.  What I fear/feel is uncertainty, anxiety, as well as the inability to think clearly or rationally about my own solution.  The harsh reality is that based on the way she had treated me, I would have seen her homeless or dead in a gutter and understood the harsh reality of the situation, that life or death had caught up to her, egging it on, until she saw me suffering the same or similar fate at her behest.  I don’t consider myself as masochistic nor as simple as that. Why would I want to take on that level of suffering for someone with unclean spirits I’m yet unable to scrub as if with some spiritual sponge?  Like Simon, can’t I pay Peter for the Holy Ghost to manifest in me?  All I can do is repent.  And not engage.  Offer it up for God to decide (or some ethereal broker) the fate of the world that I am just a Saganesque speck of (yet, being at the center of my own universe, these problems seem so real to me!) 

What is a healthy level of detachment?  As a hand to a wrist waving ‘bye-bye!’

What I should fear is a corrupt martyrdom.  What am I dying for, right now?  Putting words on paper in an effort to cleanse my soul of corruption, or at least see what is inside come out as in a purgation.  Are words purgative?  In his last moments, we believe that a man who lives well leaves the world in peace.  We know that that opposite is often true too.  Like many Christian martyrs laid to rest, their immense suffering provided their lives with a fullness of purpose if laid to rest oriented in accordance with divinity.  Suffering in enlightened fashion for the ignorance and poverty of others, the saints.

I should like to affirm my benediction.  Something that like thinking ‘thinking’ during meditation, one is able to reorient thought toward unity.  Focus on the breath.  Be present.  Be here now.  Sleep now in the fire.


A person who doesn’t believe in a strongly centralized federal government, but a localized, farm-based economy wonders, “What does environmentalism have to do with my own heart-held beliefs?  What is the nature of my environment?” P. Kalmus calmly wishes calumny against the robber-baron elite and the Meta® e-presentation (meta-representation) of immersion (basically The Matrix).  Take a knee, activist!  (Stay on topic!)  He’s having his metaphorical cage rattled by one administering a punishing panoptic prison, an ephemero-spiritual Nosferatu.  He’s trying the immersive experience of drowning in debt, in a basement like a holding cell, burdensome steel bars replaced by a dog-collar attuned to 4-5G modulation of shock and dialed-in sensitivity settings.  His brain-waves are a real train-wreck.  Here’s a real taboo:  Giving all one’s money to the Church (withholding nothing) and joining a disciplined phalanstery.  Papal Machiavellianism (dark triad based governing (unlike the Acts of Peter, Paul, and Mary)) gives an imperfect view of history’s functioning from a cynically modernist perspective.  A view from the top, at a superior vantage, rulers look down upon the disadvantaged.  It’s the fact that time is money, and that the swift justice promised to us in the Constitution is cost-prohibitive, means that it is not itself, it is, in fact, justice that is not swift.  It is justice that is slow, thus cognitively impaired, thus compromised.  Houston, we have a problem!  The elitists have turned on the hoi polloi and it’s the Earth itself that is suffering!

Did electricity itself hack the human brain?  Don’t we all have a spark?  Whose liver isn’t being eaten?  How illogical is my carbon-based lifeform running on kilocalories and I can’t even find my lighter?  Matches!  Unlike lighters, matches don’t… wait.  I was going to say something smart about the fossil fuel industry and Bic® plastics, but when I think about my PaperMate® InkJoy pen I cry.  Am I to harvest feathers and quill my own stain upon these sheets?  If I could make one difference (a subtraction) by 2050, I’d edit what?  Amend what?  Where’s the money in content deletion?  It makes no sense!  But by God, are I not illogical? And if I truly wanted to save the planet, would I not give all my money to the Church?  I see a believer!  On TV all the women of the congregation bashfully smile, all secretly pregnant from that one night the comet came and cured all their emptiness’ from some celestial streaking solar-flare.  Fire and brimstone sriracha cock!

“…Close to 8 billion people sitting on that meditation cushion, doing wonders for our species, an hour at night, an hour in the morning,” an hour of tantric afternoon-delight, an hour of scrubbing filthy cushions, an hour of growing food, an hour of preparing food, an hour for eating food, and finally, time to work on my pet oilrig and industrial pipeline project!  Oh yeah, and about a half an hour to poop.  Be simple.  Live the good life like Peter, K?  “And you can start feeling compassion for everyone else, & you can start feeling compassion for the ignorance out there!  Um, and I say that, you know, I laugh, (as if) oui-we all have and we all react with ignorance, right?  We make things worse for ourselves and for other people when we react (with ignorance).”  (Quotes from the DTFH (Patreon) 2/17/22)

Like a double-thinking idiot or a second-guessing fool I arrive where I just was before a second ago, looking back in anger, the inflammatory process of nostalgia, no, let the anger flow through me.  If it’s out there I don’t contain it.  My being is light and not heavy (a lie).  And you know what makes me mad?  Myself! Thinking my reaction to listening to a podcast is influencing my writing!  A written reaction makes things worse for everyone!  Here I am! Me! Some bearded man in a white robe high on a cloud of smoke!  It’s not even that far from the truth!  If everyone around me reacts worse, that makes me better, right?  Or perhaps my style or smell is offensive.  But they should accept me for who I am!  Have I not suffered enough (dogmatically)?  Oh boy, here comes a real birther to prove me out of touch with real pain and real suffering and what that really means having seen through to the other side - hands Adam an apple that gets lodged in his throat, so he dies, knowing that he would, for disobeying a direct order (do not consume from that tree!).

I know one thing that’ll keep us together!  Clothing!  Good one.  Get out.  If you want to add layers of complexity to your existence, so be it, but it’s up to you to spin the plates (if you catch my drift (from the plate-related turbulence)) that are now a part of an outfit come to crash.

From Quora®:

Valentina Blazek


Updated May 24, 2020

Originally Answered: What are somemind-blowing facts about a narcissist?

1.     They like to sleep alot,

2.     They don’t feel the need to help their partner with house chores because it’s below them,

3.     They will do anything to impress their friends, but not their partner- just in the beginning,

4.     They lie all the time,

5.     They like pets, but don’t want to take care of them,

6.     They like children, but they can’t be with them for a longer period of time cause they get annoyed by the children’s cries,

7.     They spend their money like it’s their last day on earth,

8.     They will manipulate you and do whatever it takes to get what they want,

9.     They don’t feel the need to take care of their aging parents,

10.  They won’t give you a xmas or birthday gift,

11.  They delete their browser history and hide their texts and calls,

12.  They have lots of energy for the things they like, but for anything else, they are always tired,

13.  They are not concerned about their hygiene nor the cleanness of their home, but it’s important for them to have clean nice clothes (branded) for showing off,

14.  They secretly like SM, porn and sex toys,

15.  They don’t like many things in this world and they feel often empty inside,

16.  When they’re bored, they argue with you,

17.  They are never wrong,

18.  Everybody is special and unique to them, but not their significant other (Although that’s not how they truly feel. Nobody’s special or unique for them. They just act that way to devalue their partner),

19.  They don’t like crowds, celebrations nor family gatherings, especially the ones that would make you very happy,

20.  You will never see a narc “truly” jump for joy or be happy for someone else’s achievents,

21.  They rarely read books, only Internet articles,

22.  They watch tv/shows, on computer or phone way too much,

23.  They are most likely addicts of some kind (drugs, alcohol, gambling, gaming, sex),

24.  They remember only what they like, what they don’t like they discard like it never happened or twist it to their liking,

25.  They enjoy controling people and objects around them, the remote control, phone, computer, etc., when the tv will be on/off, when you can/cannot turn on the light in the room,when the music will play in the house etc.,

26.  After years in a relationship, their partner will feel like he/she is going insane, or give up on everything.

27.  They secretly know what/ who they are and like to abuse others in so many ways it’s crazy,

28.  They will argue with you over one dirty plate,

29.  If they could sell you and get good money for you, they would do that in a split second,

30.  Going no contact is the best way to get rid of the narc,

31.  Gaslighting is always a trait,

32.  Deflecting is also a trait, always,

33.  It’s always about them, even if you think is not,

34.  They only do things if they see a benefit in it for them,

35.  They will leteraly fall asleep like a baby when you are sad or crying besides him (after a fierce fight that will upset you),

36.  Often, the other day they will act like nothing happened the previous day (when you had a fight) and say that you are too sensitive,

37.  When you are in pain or hurt, they won’t be by your side and be supporting. Sometimes they will ridicule your pain and laugh at you. Most narcs also feel joy when you’re sad or hurt cause it’s easier to control you that way,

38.  They are always plotting something behind your back,

39.  In one moment they will praise you and shower with affection, and in an other they call you stupid, a waste, insane, a bit*h etc.,

40.  They will make up achievements to make other people believe they’re something they’re not,

41.  They will make up their sad life story or an illness so they could manipulate you easier or gain simpathy from others, all so they could get what they want,

42.  The silent treatments for hours, days and weeks (with or without reason),

43.  They will make you feel nervous and unwell in their presence, always walking on eggshells so you don’t trigger them,

44.  The constant rages, yelling, arguing in the house and in public,

45.  They hate to kiss and hold hands with their partner after some time. The same is with sex. After a few years your sex life is non-existing,

46.  They will devalue you as a person and won’t respect your boundries, not to mention neglecting all your wishes, needs, desires, plans and agreements with them,

47.  They will avoid talking about the problems in your relationship and your feelings. They act like nothing’s wrong and they’re perfect. And you’re the core problem of everything,

48.  If you break up, it will always be your fault,

49.  They have dark secrets,

50.  They lead a double life you know nothing about,

51.  They are so mentally disturbed, they will try to drive you insane till the point of committing suicide,

52.  Never think “they would not do that to me”. Cause they will.

Thank you guys for the edits, suggestions and of course all the upvotes and comments.



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