Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Madness Before Dreams and After

From 4/6/13 (p2):
                Old hobo logic states, ‘a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.’  A woodpecker begins pecking outside, sprinkled in are some other intermittent chirps, and the sound of a lawnmower or some other form of gas generator.  The sounds seem contiguous, however the sound of my computer fan next to my right knee is more contiguous; more or less decibel blithe.
                Oblong gears are just as easy to (al dente) tooth as circular gears, but overbite like inbred kissers to cogs in universal ellipsoidal spotlight…
                What are calendars for it not for farmers?
                What are timetables for if not for planes, trains, and automobiles?  Bile is excreted by the liver during driving due to vibrational engine energy vibrating the bums in the car’s seats (monochrome clowns in brown make-up, dirt, and grime) from the anal sphincter all the way to the very blasted nosehair of every last sphinx bumming a ride and imagining such a thing as bad luck.
From Freud, Sigmund, A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis:
The repetition of the occurrences betray a persistence which is hardly ever an attribute of chance, but which fits well with the idea of design. (p 51)
Every one of us who can look back over a fairly long experience of life would probably say that he might have spared himself many disappointments and painful surprises, if he had the courage and resolution to interpret as omens the little mistakes which he noticed in his intercourse with others, and to regard them as signs of tendencies still in the background. For the most part one does not do this; one has an impression that one would become superstitious again by a circuitous scientific path. (p53)
It depends, however, whether the particular mental phenomenon is directly due to bodily, organic or material agencies, in which case it does not fall to psychology for investigation; or whether it arose directly from other mental processes, behind which at some point the succession of organic agencies then begins.
Myth Reel; Fantastic Fallacy
A simple change of inflection, arare is to farm as rearare is to farm again; to the fields!  A rare vice, plowing parallels at absolute values while the ratios of plant life to the spiral architecture that grows in a 3d Z-grid with roots toward the big nut and green pro-light.  Proselyte, this one dimension out of six splayed utilizes light via the process known as photosynthesis, literally ‘light building’. “Eat your fruits and veggies,” a mother might say out of concern, (unconcerned about C.E.R.N., the large hadron collider and particle accelerator,) as much as her child (starving for a light snack full of grease instead) is the funny singularity. Let’s call the other 5 frames of reference dirt, or six, ridges and roots.  A man could save the world with an arable wavefunction, (like Warren Buffet’s son (no-till)) exploring the root/rut dimensions.  “Here’s what I do: I come to your fields, I tear up your farms, and then I tell you what’s wrong,” he might say, “Call me a third world consultant.  You can repay me later.”
                “Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world” (sez Buddha from a Civilization game (this author’s source)).  Vibrations and light-resistances both play a part in determining optics of light particles, especially in a dimly lit system exposed to small amounts of literature and (at a speakeasy (style (bourgeois) bar)) lots to say about it.  When one finds oneself in a public setting and one wishes to justify one’s being included in the set, even its farthest limit, one must be ready, willing, and able to meet the challenges presented in the form of talking points: facts, loose interest, and generalia (yeah, right!).  Canadian potpourri!  In any event, some find it difficult to discuss the facts without consulting a rulebook.  Those people, stereotypical lawyers (woe be! (Luke 11:52)), rely heavily on brief dissociation to prove a rambling point that will be sure to outwit only the dimmest of squirrels.  Can acorns acorn? Are Mister Planter’s Nietzschean nuts exploring lower order animisms? Are dogs worthy of tutelage? Poking poop with a stick, one might muster an answer starting with “Let’s get out of here...” 
We hear the growl of a carnivorous cow the size of a large owl, and like smart squirrels, we scatter like monks in cowls from speed-demons.
Some think themselves to be beasts, whose voice and actions they imitate. Some think that they are vessels of glass, and for this reason recoil from passers-by, lest they break; others fear death, which they yet cause most often to themselves. Still others imagine that they are guilty of some crime, so that they tremble with terror when they see another coming toward them, thinking he seeks to take them prisoner and sentence them to death.
Sydenham, Thomas from Madness & Civilization by Foucault, Michel.

From 4/9/16:
Jansenism – movement originating from Jansen, Cornelius’ posthumous works that emphasized original sin, human depravity, the necessity for divine grace, and predestination c. 1643
PascalIn 1646, he and his sister Jacqueline identified with the religious movement within Catholicism known by its detractors as Jansenism.”
“Dicebant quoniam in furorem versus est.” M. Foucault p76. Translated, ‘they said that he is out of his mind,’ see Mark 3:21
Epithet – a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of the person or thing (often disparaging (as in relation to subordinates)).
            Pissy panted dissipants, overloaded underlords, and drunken scooters… starting to recognize potential pick-pockets after reading this book.  A green-eyed distraction, inciting the rebel to yell, “oh, my poor, young, unskilled hands are getting wet with cheap booze!” she might be thinking.  Fraternity in sorority in fraternity in sorority? In fraternity, the feeling of being ‘in’ with the ‘in-crowd,’ a bunch of drop-dead would-be hookers (with the wool pulled high, hiked), surly sots, and ex-Catholic charity cases with vague ties to some so-called ‘family.’  Under-the-table drunk Vickie with a quick drop Mickie who sweeps her earnings under-the-rug, with so much posturing and spurning, it’s no wonder that without a pen as an outlet, some men turn to violence with ungirded loins! 
It’s 0353 and back from the wet bar to the dry bar boozy voices of attempted rationality slur out above clinking glass shooters in the shackles of some vast depression spanning decades now, with lovely days fewer and further between, it’s easy to see how one could grow attached, irrationally, to the things that bring joy in small doses, anxiety at large, while infrequent, moderate doses touch upon ineffability.  The desire to jar the system, does this punishment of introversion with a touch of perversion make one the extroverted architype?  This is a mad, sympathetic fight for survival in a civilization wherein only the pitiless excel and suck the success out of the cesspool of humanity.  Mad, unclean, unshaven masses of people who choose to be that way because they feel like it mind their own businesses and get out of my way!  How does one describe to another person what limits of action, behavior, and habit convey without some little boxed metaphor cliché?  Morpheus spread eagle, ethereal, but not f’real-f’real, Oneiroi’s one being in dreams we teach the soul’s dissipation and it runs counter to any sense of determination; where there is no cause, only effects.  It’s good sleep hygiene we all need in order to heal.
Strabismus – “cross-eye”/”wall-eye”
Enthymeme – “an argument in which one premise is not explicitly stated.” Ironically, I believe that this is the origin of the modern ‘meme’ and I doubt that the ‘enthy’ greater than half mass of people that use this word frequently even know it’s grand-scheme propaganda-carrying specifics.  I know I didn’t until recently (and I think I’m smart!).
Lapidary – Gemini Jedidiah Smethwick
Nosography – “the systematic description of diseases.”  Clean yo’’ snout.
Oneiric – “…relating to dreams or dreaming.” See above.

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