Sunday, April 17, 2016

Incubate Non-Nugatory Lacunae with Eschatological Velleity

Achintya Bheda Abheda: inconceivable oneness and difference.
Tattva: thatness, principle, reality, or truth.
Tat tvam asi: thou art that.
Particle Decay: the spontaneous process of one elementary particle transforming into other elementary particles.
Quantum Mechanical Isotropy: When a spinless particle or unpolarized spinning particle decays, the resulting decay distribution must be isotropic in the restframe of the decaying particle regardless of the detailed physics of the decay.
Animism: belief that natural physical entities possess a spiritual essence.
Molecular Gastronomy: “I think it is a sad reflection on our civilization that while we can and do measure the temperature in the atmosphere of Venus we do not know what goes on inside our souffles” Kurti, Nicholas.
Eschatological: of or relating to the end of the world or the events associated with it in religious expectation.
Nugatory: inconsequential, worthless, having no force: inoperative.
Septentrional: of the north.
Sartorial: of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes.
Schadenfreude: joy at others’ misfortunes.

Pray for me Pope Francis.  Every moral theatric will go down in histrionics.  Trusting in the almighty fire of truth to purge the lies while trusting in the almighty fire of youth to hypersexualize.  Constant quick fixes wrench my mechanics.  The city itself is an attempt by man to arrest motion by placing natural resources in geometric array over natural resources in organic array.  The architectural superego that can say ‘no’ to the season’s natural progression is among civilization’s discontented monads.  An exploration of the universe where life itself rotates, vibrates, and translates at a rate slow enough to arrest so society is able to question, calculate, and judge a more exact precision characteristic of happenstance.  When man learns to teleport, will he remember how to astral project?  When man learns to telekinese, will he think to lift a finger?  When man learned to telephone, did he begin to communicate more effectively?  When man learned to televise, did he begin to project reality?  Phony.

Monad: an indivisible, impenetrable unit of substance viewed as the basic constituent element of physical reality (see Leibniz).
Velleity: a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.

Habitual routine: People say they find comfort in routine.  Whether it be a physical, chemical, biological, or psychological routine, the comfort derives from a feeling of safety and security in the known norm and a feeling of what they imagine would be distress and helplessness in the exploration of unknown territories (you can’t spell territory without terror and you can’t imperialize without shaking a stick).  Stemming from a memory of feeling uncomfortable or out-of-place in a certain social situation when the thought occurred of gay expectations, but feeling grumpy instead, had no friend confederate.  When the spirit of competition pall bore passive aggressiveness into vivid detail, introversion out of the closet, we be dancin’ the eschatological Schadenfreude boogie!

Hapax legomenon: a term of which only one instance of use is recorded.

Timelessness in infinite detail, it’s time to debate infinity!  With many languages, many colors, much beauty and diversity, our generation was encouraged to explore diversity in all its multifacetedness.  In America, knowing that racial diversity correlates with socioeconomic diversity and certain plights and struggles that go along with each, (the problems of seperatetogetherness), one can either choose to take on one’s own problems isolated and alone, or take on the work of fellow-man.  Would to be such a leap to recognize one’s own problems as they relate with fellow-man’s?  Who wishes to multiply problems?  Math teachers!  (Their problem is giving problems that are self-recursive.)  It is generally recognized in and around the neighborhood that there are progressively more rules and not less more- progressive rules.  There can only be so many laws before criminality is unenforceable without elimination of the laws, the law enforcers, or those whom the law is enforced upon (little Jesus’). There are law makers and law enforcers who don’t necessarily live in or identify with the neighborhood wherein many laws are enforced and therefore lack a certain understanding toward the problems that tend to arise in that microcosm of people who lack the ability to employ their own creative solutions.  Creative enforcement stands diametrically opposed to enforcing creativity (say, in our schools).  The former involves crime and punishment and the latter art and therapy.  That is not to say that certain acts should not be punishable (that would be limiting the freedoms of community Marquis du Sadists and Sach-Masochists) it’s that human law (the laws of man) should not be applied universally wherein Team America, World Police enforces the gentrification of municipalities. 
“There would be no danger of atomic war if advances in history, the science of right and of state, philosophy, psychology, literature, art, etc. were are great as in physics, but instead of such progress, one is struck by significant regress in many of the spiritual sciences” Godel, Kurt.
Manichaean:      1) a believer in a syncretistic religious dualism originating in Persia in the 3rd century AD and teaching the release of the spirit from matter through asceticism.
                                2) a believer in religious or philosophical dualism.
Syncretism:        1) the combination of different forms of belief or practice.
                                2) the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms.
Theodicy: defense of God’s goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil (see Leibniz, Gottfried).
Non liquet: it is not clear.
Bruno, Giordano (1584) Everett, Hugh (1957) : Many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Logical positivism or verificationism: empiricism + mathematical logic and linguistics so that scientific statements could be conclusively proven true or false.
Phenomenalism: belief that physical objects cannot justifiably be said to exist in themselves, but only as perceptual phenomena or sensory stimuli situated in time and space, reduces talk to “bundles of sense-data”
Instrumentalism: belief that scientific theory is a useful instrument in understanding the world.

Restriction enzymes reduce pKa with metal on your slide, Mg++ charge repulsion, different modes, alternative configurations, divalent being generic, follows the substrate around, ATP-MG++ outside the enzyme affinity constant, 0.1mM (in the millimolar range), hyperbolic dissociation, you can consider that attached to Magnesium present in high concentrations, (relevant concentrations), neutralizes the negative nucleotide cationic pocket conformation, but this does cause the enzyme to be molded to the template cyclic structure magnesium-ATP complex, not just phosphate, an octahedral complex, okay, so it’s not only an appendage-molecule-protein, it works in states, bound and not, ATP+AMP changes significantly, same structure, phosphate interacting with this loop, pulls along this lid-flap that settles down and triggers the domain to close down using gamma phosphate position extended out of ATP for the next substrate, binding of that second substrate will cause additional conformational changes that will prevent water from binding to that site, as soon as water catches that, game’s over, triggered by the binding-conformational change when it’s finished, catalysis by approximation, hiding them from water, first slide, review these concepts, covalent catalysis, general acid-base, chymotrypsin for you, doesn’t get used in the mechanism, just make sure you look at this list, we’re done with enzymes.
Carbohydrates hit the backseat, proteins and nucleic acids dominate research, elusive, elaborate, more difficult to study, synthesize, or isolate these things which can be complicated, monosaccharides, polymers, oligomers, pattern of carbon and water with some number ‘n’, sugar is an oxidant energy source, ribose, deoxyribose… Relevant diseases on cell surfaces, viruses invading your body, boring textbook stuff, start with very basic and move from there, only three trioses, enantiomers or each other, ketone, always hydroxylated, Fisher projections to draw this, vertical line is the carbon chain, /=O ketone in this position, dihydroacetone ketose carbohydrate suffix, alternative to this aldehyde’s stereogenic center glyceraldehyde, L+D configurations, capital D.

Oyer and terminer: to hear and determine.
Dido: a foolish or mischievous act; something frivolous or showy.
Daltonism: color-blindness (see Dalton, John).
Quantum homeopathy?  See LSD (life), VX (death).
Lacuna: a blank space or a mission part.
Parson: rector, clergyman
Munchausen Syndrome: a psychiatric factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention or sympathy to themselves.
Munchausen by proxy: caregiver deliberately exaggerates health problems in those who are in their care.
Apodosis: the main clause of a condition statement.

Apodictic: expressing the nature of necessary truth or absolute certainty.

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