Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Is Neurosis Increasingly Cis?

I’m getting tired of trying to be the best because I’m getting out of control and I’m not improving.  There’s a solution to this; alcohol.  But what if that substance works on my nerves negatively?  Isn’t that the point?  The electronegative characteristics of neural networks aren’t necessarily bad or evil, but negativity has a tendency to be misconstrued in a negative light; inverse.  Introverted when I’m thinking, extroverted when I’m writing because my words speak volumes; manifest.  I need to remember that sex manifests violent behavior; peace.

                I can’t keep writing like this, sourcing my own subject, studying myself, constipated. Not really, I eat beets so it just looks bloody.  Maraca Katydid is one hand lounging, attention spanning certain whole minutes while the repetitive cycling of wash-boarding paint trays as a percussion instrument, with an ear on preservation over progression in music.  I can see the benefit of both.  Some people hold on too long and some people speed recklessly. Some people hold on to memories, objects, and relationships.  These three are distinct yet interrelated.  Some people deconstruct, reconstruct, and have something to prove.  These characteristics are all interrelated yet distinct.  Now I’m trying to do some weird variable math equation that is too mind-boggling for a pithy solution.  It is good also to drink in moderation.

                Marijuana is an apt substitute.   Modulating transmission of catecholamines across the neural synapse, as I understand the effects, it insulates myelin and controls the flow of dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine past dendrites.  My high substitute teacher visited an apartment with me to teach me a lesson in controversial conspiracy theories.  Many people refuse to relive past stress and tragedy; fear of Posttraumatic Stress Entropy.  Call it what it really is!  It is important to use the right words at the right time so as not to convey a lie, thus making the human race a bigger buried laughingstock than the dinosaurs, Satan’s implants.  Stone rosettes!  Get high and listen to Ghost: Fuck yourself and go to hell.  Insults care of Uncle Joey, you’re welcome.

                Remind me to catch a breath! Anybody could play songs, but not every person who plays songs learns music anymore.  Acapella guerillas are the most mobile musicians, trebling in the trees.  ‘Emptyemptyempty,’ they reverberate more like background brainsounds amplified than a sampled breath.  Annunciate emptily.  Chant the Gregorian code that will bring "Evil Dead" to Netflix® in all its cult-classic gory-glory!  GloryGloryGlory hallelujah acid rain be!  Would Hill Dog take her pent up aggression towards Bill out on the rest of the world as president?  What a revelation!  “See what you made me do?!” she would shout at him from her ordered daisy chain of fuel planes aboard Air Force One as the world evaporates below into the first world radioactive stone age as she never forgets.

                I am where I put myself, in a Buffalo apartment with viz. intimidating rent.  How extroverted is a person supposed to be before anyone else in the house is awake?  Why be flashy when the world is blind (to my superiority/inferiority)?  I take both yin and yang in large doses.  Is the erotic truth is stranger than the erotic fiction?  Can you see Story of the Eye, Elizabeth?  Who would masturbate to such a thing?  Situated on the same floor of two hotels across the street from each other, a Boston bean-flicker eyes a baby-faced exhibitionist practicing his rites alone.  Being a lady of the night, mid-afternoon, she had time to kill.  “What the hell?” She thought, “worst/best case he sees me, joins me, we get off together, and he gives me his money!”  What the hell am I going on about?  I forget that I’m insecure about my feelings, let alone my fantasies!  Who has time to daydream about chance connections when you’re a violent, introverted pervert with a propensity for clergymen?  Damned if I know! No, no, literally, I’m probably going to Hell if I ever meet this … oh shit, right, Dave.  Fuck, the war, and the children: Vietnam, molestation, and rape.  How could I forgive or forget?  Because to err is human; to forgive (pederasts), divine.  Who wouldn’t blame PSE, Jesus?  Cast of academy acclaimed movie of the year Spotlight?

                What is self-consciousness? Am I not a machine? Why do I have feelings? Why are little things confusing, (like changing a lock for the first time)?  Lack of intuition?  Lack of know-how? Ashy elbows (no grease)?  Whatever exact measure Persistence fails to solve when interpreting dreams is resolved by the narrowest capillaries supplying all the vital organs with humor.  If I could only make sense (why feel?) then maybe my life would be provided a meaning by a higher power writing a dimensionally superior storybook and by the sentient life in a higher dimension making sense of us and our many selves like a phase study of our time from the outside or underground by some alia life.  Perhaps to alia we are better than we perceive ourselves inside out. As a US citizen, denizen of Buffalo - an All America city (times two), how much do outside forces control our day?  Consider yourself blessed. Amen American men, women, and all undifferentiated, neutral, and undecided persons of all colors, creeds, and nationalities!

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