Friday, August 23, 2024

Meditations on the Democritization of 'N' to End Products



Lately I've been dying an intellectual death. A common theme that is not writing enough. A common theme, a white boy using the n-word and calling everyone hypocrites! Such privilege! It's almost like I'm the one who is not giving enough of myself to the world. I'm the one becoming that word that is blasphemous to good race relations! No shit! And I've been flummoxed reading Heidegger and reminding myself how incredibly stupid I am as the result of how stupid I myself have been! It's almost like there's cause and effect or something and not all just good times based on nothing. Speaking of time, did you know time does not exist outside of our experiencing the thing that is called time? Like we know the universe is billions of years old, but that is just an inconceivable and almost silly notion to have when just getting through the day feels like a long series of chores. But who else is going to do the dishes?

I've also been reading Nietzsche again, which always seems to get my mind reeling. The Gay Science, a series of aphorisms that reminds me in such a way that agrees with my reason. Give me a sound reasoning like a thrashing. I think the notion that agrees with the title is this idea (that may also be Nietzschean) that there are at least two things that science cannot touch without itself becoming a mockery: race and sex. Who groups large swaths of humanity together and provides diminutive titles to groups of people measured as a mass en masse? The superlative tyrant (Hitler) and the superlative group of misled and proud-feeling heathens with a superiority-complex (Nazis). That bad, bad race of people is at it again, and this time they mean bad business! And don't get me started on that terrible woman and every other woman who failed to love me!

What is often quite funny about superlatives is that we know you're not being serious, but also not exactly lying either. There's always some truth if one talks big enough about a great many things. Similarities shine through more than individual differences. Patterns emerge. And sometimes those patterns take on the gross form of a mean, scary face. Swamp Thing, per example, or Cthulhu. Are we not supposed to talk about the southbound pachyderm with a lit stick of TNT up its ass? Is the blitzkrieg of Palestine somehow erotic? I mean, I don't think so, but I'm also not the one doing the raping. And who am I to judge? Just because I don't think I would commit war atrocities in the name of nation or race on a good day...if Job were John Wick instead...

Oppenheimer, when in the mood, could talk to just about anybody about anything, but Faulkner found conversation difficult with strangers; a bare yes or no was often all he could manage. Oppenheimer said he had recently seen a television play based on a Faulkner story and asked what Faulkner thought of television as a medium for the artist.

Television is for niggers,” said Faulkner.

As a revisionist historian, I believe what Faulkner meant to say, was that perhaps television promotes illiteracy. And yes, perhaps members of the African-American persuasion (these days!) own televisions and cannot read or write, but that does not mean it's a bad thing! And look, plenty of micks, dagos, as well as many other racially inferior minority groups own even multiple television sets! So to put the onus on only one generic subset is indeed hypocritical. Thankfully, your boy's here to parse this narrative for y'uns.


In my dreams, honest people will hold power and take apart/dismantle the false idols people own and move/knock humanity back into a sort of alignment conducive to loving families and tight-knit communities accountable only to one another. Of course Europe and Asia will continue to push their advantages, but essentially (as everyone knows) strength lies in integrity and (resolute) leadership is an example we spend our time (our historical time) observing the individual self-interests our freedoms allow. One of our inalienable rights as human beings is deciding whose example to observe. (Imagine Chairman Mao on your mantelpiece.) Fathers are examples to their sons, for example, so leadership starts at home. This does not implore sons to become just like their fathers. Many fathers set examples not to be followed closely at all. Until lately I've felt my neck beneath an invisible tyrannical weight and my ass on the prod. My neck has gone the way of modern man, hunched over some vehicle or technology. A "pain in the neck" refers to the relay channels rooted in the spine of the CNS. A "pain in the ass" is glandular. Big boned and slow to metabolize, she taught:

"Many people consider their life 'over the hill' at 40, 50, or 60 years old. However, this implies that one is on top of said hill for some mathematically derivable duration (d/dt). And the odds that a person would summit two separate hills equal in elevation is betting the line. That superlative rise becomes the definitive feature of a man (or woman's) life..."

Dromedary camels hump dunes. Bactrian camels double hump two steppe. Whatever they put in Mongolian cigarettes is more than tobacco! Genghis Khan, on the plateau, rippin' darts... Is maximizing millions a great human achievement? How many mountains are cost prohibitive? A man may run fast, but a horse will always run faster. A man may swim fast, but a fish will always swim faster. So what is a great human achievement? <Performance> Will man sit as long as a mantis? Maxine Waters, 86 on the 15th (of August), represents California's 43rd. Is she as "thoughtful, productive, and meaningful" as the Inflation Reduction Act she sponsored? Imagine an old bag. Now imagine a fistful of Target orders: how much is disposable? I mean, in terms of sheer mass, it's about half packaging (that screams "security!" (and "I've paid!")). Behind a paywall, Everest, Dasein...

"From the three stems we derive three initial and vividly definite meanings <of the infinitive 'to be'>: living, emerging, abiding." Heidegger, M. Introduction to Metaphysics. Yale. p. 76


Wasn't bukkake enough 'facial recognition'?


Never have I ever injected art into my arm. I've smoked and eaten art, but never injected nor boofed. I've burned entire notebooks as sacrifices to some god of fire and history. "The gods will understand my meaning, I think," as I leaf pages onto smoldering embers, watching them flare. I think, "I think." I really think that! Where I pull my trauma from and what I dream are one and the same. Little wonder my pain keeps me awake. "I should know!" I think. "I should blast that smack right up my arm!" I think as I consider tested crystal meth and a rig complete with spoon, solvent, needle, and lighter. The solvent is just water, distilled of impurities. "We don't need any questions where we're going," I tell myself. Preparation steps into parameters. It does an Aussie breakdance on cardboard for a meme. "Creativity is this crazy high ideal," I check my arms. I have plenty of veins. "Ok, ok" I start to measure with my eyeballs powder from a baggie onto a half-blackened spoon, "tap, tap..." The software in the attic activates the fans that cool the tiny mirrors. Upon broken reflection I know nothing will come of this life. I just danced brokenly at the Olympics and my precisely measured imitations of my country's musical style brought but smirks to the faces of the judgmental cunts appointed by the IOC. I console myself in Aussie (broken English). Colonialism was never meant for the South Seas, yet as I rest my head on my hand on my elbow on the cardboard stall before I finish my routine, images of my ancestors before a tribunal of judges in black robes and white wigs sentencing criminals to exile in hostile environs swim somewhere close behind both corneas, retinas, and optical nerves. My tiny criminal brain was never meant to comprehend such proceedings. I was just brought here to spin on my head to the count of two while the eyes of the world watched on channel 5 news.


"Competition loses!" in Orwellian doublespeak (a victory over the thing itself).

Double's-peak bets the line. "Do whatever (you're unassigned)."

It's the promise of the freedom to live two lives (if you pledge allegiance to the new flag).

"We've got this in the bag," a type of overconfidence only cheaters understand. An unfair advantage that isn't really about external appearances, except it is almost entirely about racial identity and sexual reassignment, but it's not shallow. "So what if our money (and our credit) is almost entirely out? Did you know gold (Au) can be spread almost infinitely thin? It's true! (It almost doesn't matter!)"

0.1 micron leaf. 1/1000 the thickness of printer paper.

Although it does retain its value on the open market and persists as a sign of wealth and royalty, it's just put away somewhere safe like in a big vault like Fort Knox: trust us!

$78.94/1 gram Au

What does it mean to provide 12667848.99 grams = 12.67 metric tons of gold per billion sent to a war being waged by foreign mercenaries halfway across the world? I mean obviously it would be silly to reallocate the physical representation of stored wealth to a shipping container that could destabilized when sent overseas. So just believe us. "HAVE YOU SEEN OUR TABULATIONS, BRO?" How much is a computer language worth? Simulating simple math. Imagine a quantum behemoth that we invite willingly to our soil that increasingly consumes an increasingly dwindling energy reserve? "AI, bro, it's the future, get with it. Have you even seen a driverless vehicle?!" goes tech-bro4206911, working for the CIA, coordinating a hit-and-run assassination attempt remotely. Imagine a perfect little place in Hell for my enemies.

Where do trustworthiness & credibility align as indicators of integrity? Neighbors are coming to visit and leaving with the good China! How is 'going to war' a public policy anywhere? If I went to war with my neighbor I'd be locked up in no time (I'd like to think)! If I went to war with my relatives I'd be disinherited (a multi-tiered threat). Some people deserve it. The only people I've ever thought about doing bad things to were the ones closest to me. "And you're getting a little too close for comfort, if I'm being honest. You remind me of my mom and it's kind of gross. Not that I don't love my mom, I just wouldn't want to marry her. No Oedipus." Send her a dozen roses with little note saying "Sorry I didn't get you a gift earlier & thanks for the help at home." It's the least you can do for mommy, but more than that and it might get weird.

Man and Woman:

Seize forcibly the wench for whom you feel!
Thus thinks a man. Women don't rob, they steal.

Nietzsche, F. The Gay Science #22.

Time to watch TV, lol.


As a revisionist historian, what Faulkner meant to say is that television is a platform for international conglomerates and government propagandists to purchase influence over the minds of the hapless. Hapless people make the best victims because that is already how they see themselves. On the waves of some unknown Fate controlled by Destiny, they tumble about. Buddhists refer to this notion simply as samsara, but that's only because they know better than expose themselves to whatever electromagnetic radiation is being emitted from every 'on' control monitor. Imagine a monk lounging on a La-Z-Boy, munching Frito's, with 3's Company on the plasma. Then another who lives in a stark environment devoid of sensory thrills. No Ramada. Many believe man's mind is a powerful tool that is weakened by carelessness and indulgence. What one focuses one's attention on is more valuable than oil, they say. Also, we are on oil and if you look closely, dead dinosaur bones.

My table, my tablet, my phone...

DEAD, Dead, dead dinosaur bones.

"But where isn't there deadly radiation?" a mind controlled by 5G watchtowers raises a hand.

"Give her the Pulse!" The Orwellian guard shouts, "She's got the mind virus!"

At an Asana (formerly Smiley Abstractions) retreat, a Facebook founder and credit-taker of the work-group meter "Tasks" accesses the teleprompter on an Entelechy Sphere for social experimentation. This particular work-group consists of willed subjects who would have their consciousnesses more directly operated on thanks to the new technology by Entelechy, Inc. who had recently formed a partnership with the software giant. Our test groups consists of fairly well-rounded individuals, both in stature and demeanor, with multiple ages, backgrounds, and walks-of-life? No. Ages in the target demographic, backgrounds cracked by trauma in some way, and frankly, people who needed easy money fast.

"We need to have our data conform to preconceived points that will please our investors," co-founders conspire.

"Thankfully, we have data-analytic software where users create a personality profile that provides most pertinent data sets on how they wish to be perceived in public, (barring trolls (filtered)). We selected the hapless 'randomly' based on separate markers (age/race/sex/creed), who we know ahead of time to have a particular worldview that aligns with compromised resistance to victimization. These inflated numbers provide the basis for popularizing propaganda sent to us by the House of Ways and Means or whatever governmental entity that provides massive State contracts for research in this sort of epidemiological experimentation field. Based on mean screen time for instance, we can tell that the United States has the most hours per capita than any other country, which signifies a certain readiness... eagerness even to believe just about anything that appears convincing. What we want them to do is to keep spending the wealth they've accrued until they are in such a predicament, they either decide to work with us, die in some way, or radicalize to groups easier to suppress or tolerate according to their fractious and fragmentary natures," thus affects Guy Smiley on the E-Sphere, already more familiar than comfortable.


$88.61 / dozen roses = $7.38 / rose

What does it mean to send 135,501,355 roses per billion dollars spent on war? There is more than one way to concentrate value. Instead of "airborne leaflet propaganda" send enough flowers to drown cities in a different mind-changing / psychology-altering valuation. Pepper your opponents with ostentatious displays of love as a lark and see if they won't reciprocate. As far as I know it has never before been performed and it's worth a gander. If the ultimate goal is pacification... 2.8 billion cut roses are sold annually here in the U.S. - let us conduct an alternative aerial campaign. Let us, as a nation, alter our own hawkish history and adapt the turkey instead of the eagle for once, if you catch my drift. "Make love, not war" is the obvious reduction here.


As a revisionist historian, what Faulkner so masterfully brought to Oppenheimer's consciousness is the nigger Dasein and how it is fostered by the televised medium. This notion ought to be redefined for the modern audience as "diminished existence." What does it mean to have a diminished existence? Surely this does not refer to length-of-life exclusively, although incidence of early mortality could be noted. The play on television is not identical to the play in real life. It is narrow in scope. Sound is diminished, the picture is narrowly focused, and there is no experience of "being in the world." One does not experience the play, but the simulation of play. Another adjunct is to nigger Dasein and diminished existence is "slave mentality." This notion hearkens back to Plato. There is a spiritual relation to individuals "inferior, immature, or lacking self-mastery" with an individual who would sacrifice freedom for security. Before I go further along this path, let me redefine "spiritual" for anyone confounded by modern definitions of spirituality. Spiritual simply means "in-the-spirit-of." While a Christian may put everything in the context of the Holy Spirit (as is apt), for a modern atheist, agnostic, or catch-all pagan, it refers to those things that may not be seen on their own, but can be talked about in context. "Can we adjust the color settings and turn up the volume on that?" Most of us have a notion of justice for instance, but can any one point to Justice like a statue? The blind robed woman (Lady Justice) holding scales up and sword down that adorns many courthouses is one physical albeit purely symbolic representation, not Justice itself. An attempt to make eternal what everyone feels, but no one knows...

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