Sunday, December 19, 2021

Kalsarikanni Coddiwomple

 Had a dream where I was at the entrance to a banquet-hall where AA members were celebrating sobriety and I was there joking about skipping steps and heading out to grab a drink, but when I went out to look for the bar I entered into a room where a small group of people dressed in black were grieving – then I woke up.

The Nietzsche quote, “One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil,” has been running through my head.  Don’t deify gatekeepers (Kafka).


Observation without qualification is better than saying something without meaning.


I mist my plants.  They mist me too!


In a dream, two schools, divided by sex, but united by an ice-dam.  Metaphor for my relationships?  I imagine perhaps a lifestyle obtained by moving further north would be the only way to sustain a marriage for someone of my temperament.  Too much heat makes me dumb and lethargic, but it sure do feel nice, natural narcotic.

In a much longer, more intricate and vivid dream, there was a kind of zombie take-over (a revelation).  It started with prey outsmarting predators. I watched a struggle with a maggot vs a spider where the maggot kept inexplicably escaping (inexplicable because there are no words in nature that yet describe this type of antithetical interaction).  Agile mice were evading clumsy hawks.  I was home where I grew up.  These incredible ostrich were showing up, feeding brazenly on dirt outside a front window close to the house.  They looked deformed like B-horror movie puppets.  Then these deformed people started showing up, not maimed per se, but ugly, slow, and lumpy.  I wanted to hate or be afraid of them, but there were no grounds other than their external appearance and the fact that they seemed to show up everywhere and were encroaching personal/private property barriers.  They were in our house. They were nice enough?  I was trying to play a computer-game, but I couldn’t get the program to run as I had recalled.  I became a part of the medical research community, CT-scanning lumpy brains, (serving their ill-proportioned medical needs that changed day-to-day.)

 Man senses a machine’s ejaculation, its output, the heat it gives off, and its silicon scents.  It feels unhealthy and unnatural, a cheap thrill.  Simple machines – a lever, a pulley, a wheel & axel, a combustion engine, fumes, exhaust, cement mixers, more and more!  When the masses implore ‘simplicity’ we provide not ‘the simple life’ but simplifications, which are merely simple-fictions.  Stories that we tell ourselves, (our mythos) how much easier life is these days what with the strong or weakened economy and standard of living, but what does that mean to the individual whom has his or herself become simplified?  A man who deals in averages, who believes in the damned lies, is doomed.  “How does my standard of living compare to that of my neighbour?” one may ask oneself.  Look inward instead.

“This Buddha motherfucker renunciation bullshit!

Another bird in the monastery!

“The superior worth of simplicity of life, the enervating and demoralizing effect of the trammels and hypocrisies of artificial society, are ideals which have never been entirely absent from cultivated minds since Rousseau wrote…” Mill, J.S., On Liberty. p48. 


I want to help the lumpy zombies instinctively, we find ways in which it is mutually beneficial.  These lumbering corporations should have only paid a visit, but instead they plopped right down and somehow their lumps plop-off all over the landscape.  Each groundbreaking-ribbon-cutting a curse and every birth a poverty.  They consume the public’s utility!  This monolithic structure sits for an hour at a time on the toilet doom-scrolling, raiding the medicine-cabinet, and running the shower!  Before long, they’re writing laws, are in the Cabinet, and are running the show!  It’s constitutional!  These inversely crippled “…human beings who are nothing but a big eye or a big mouth or a big belly or anything at all that is big,” (Nietzsche) are the in-group we want out! (But at this point it would probably be too big of a mess to clean up and no one knows what might happen to the corpses if they were to say reanimate?)  They’re not even Christian!  They have no notion of death in life’s perfection, the resurrection, or the life of the world to come!  They live for a gaudy tumescence this year with festoons!  They come in piece from Mother Russia.  

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