Saturday, September 26, 2015

Irrational Unicorns, a Definition of Signs, and Esoteric Materialism, Etc.

I quantitatively superimpose my own superstitious characteristics on random omens or signs in order to make chance appear as though it were expected using only my face.  What did love teach me? As soon as you think you have discovered the truth, the facts change.  Just when you think you’ve had enough: the quantum parlay.  Irrational unicorns represent the unreal system of fictional characters versus the real system of nouns, things, and objects, represented by words, the abstract thing-in-itself.

Excelsior – n. fine curled wood shavings used esp. for packing fragile items. Also, “ever upward,” in Latin.

Perpetuaphoria – n. phenomenon of feeling eternal, infinite, or without definite endpoint.

Proctophoria – n. phenomenon of feeling anal, analytical, or with definite endpoints clearly established.

“Why should we allow artists, conquerors and statesmen to be guided by irrational motives, but not the heroes of science?” Koestler, A., The Sleepwalkers.

Parallelepiped – n. a three-dimensional figure formed by six parallelograms

Versehen – n. the sudden fear of some animal or object by a pregnant woman, believed to result in 
her child’s bearing the mark of it. (Jacob’s cattle)

                The noble genes of birthright were a phenotypic example of detached materialism.  There are things that are theoretically attached to a newborn being at birth that could be separated, as candy could be pried from a buggy, yet that quality of wealthy uprightness that defines a social stratum would be mathematically difficult to correlate between genes and portfolios, ported only on paper, yet no less real as a result?  Science strives to justify its supposed superiority through its worship of Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus, and the cult of hermeticism sealed in esoterica not even its adherents fully understand.  The scientific method itself was deemed fitter by its adherents, in the same vein that most subjective creations of a man can be deemed objective if based on statistics, which is the mathematics of democracy and the only true political system, so say its adherents.

                Our scientific methods, the manner in which we conduct thought-experiments establishes a provability based solely upon repetition or mimicry of a particular experimental style that leads one to an inflexible endpoint, to a particular novelty of thought by providing lucid points of containment of variables such as recipe, method, and instrumentation for harmonic intuitiveness, but discounts the land itself, or the ground it was literally based on.  Is the American race really a fondue?

                …Race, like Time and Destiny, is a decisive element in every question of life, something which everyone knows clearly and definitely so long as he does not try to set himself to comprehend it by way of rational – i.e., soulless – dissection and ordering.  Race, Time, and Destiny belong together.  But the moment scientific thought approaches them, the word ‘Time’ acquires the significance of a dimension, the word ‘Destiny’ that of causal connection, while Race, for which even at that stage of scientific askesis we still retain a very sure feeling, becomes an incomprehensible chaos of unconnected and heterogeneous characters that (under headings of law, period, culture, stock) interpenetrate without end and without law.
Spengler, O., Decline of the West p. 130-1
7/4/13   I had a dream of subjugation where I was under the yoke serving dishes to all mankind alike.  They bore down on me with their eyeballs and were filled with the holy toast!

                “I just wanted to fill your heart and soul with fairytales,” I thought wishfully, “I couldn’t break away from my weakness nor had I the power to deliver myself from the hands of my oppressors.  Surely they would catch me and beat me like a fish out of water…”  I wanted to ‘get famous’ because I thought fame would be a good reason for others, including loved ones, to love me in return…as if love needs good reason to exist.  Fame turns love into a transaction.

                She vindicates herself vindictively, making me earn every Latin penny.  Her righteous judgment teaches me things I might not have otherwise known and through knowledge I grow.  She sets me righter as a writer.  I didn’t have to say these things before and now I do.  Whenever I see the words ‘I do’ I think of matrimony, I think of wholeness, I see in my mind the combination of two distinct parts, like puzzle pieces, forming a cohesive unity.  Everything I do I am wed to and that’s a good way to look at things for better or worse.  He who denies his weakness has no penchant (save dream censorship.  She’s probably already dating my best friend.)  I have a weakness for wanting lots of friends, I also have a weakness for remembering their names.  Oh vanity of vanities, all is vanity!  Do I have the strength to call you my weakness?


“Is calculating in the imagination in some sense less real than calculating on paper?  It is real – calculating-in-the-head.  Is it similar to calculating on paper?  I don’t know whether to call it similar.  Is a bit of white paper with black lines on it similar to a human body?”  Wittgenstein, L. Philosophical Investigations v3364

“How do I recognize that this color is red?  -One answer would be, ‘I have learnt English.’” Wittgenstein, L. Tractus Logico-Philosophicus

Silence tells no lies.  Silence cannot deceive.

Freedom abolitionists wish to abolish freedom, or the notion thereof by redefining the traditional definition of the word, by transvaluation.  For, in our world of light-dark duality, it is altogether impossible to abolish one word, slavery, without the abolition of its counter-weight upon the Libra balance, freedom.  Am I not now free to either own a slave or be a slave myself?  To enslave myself? To submit myself contractually to a state of unremittent servitude? To be placed under the yoke with whips and chains, to be in bondage?  (Not if Sacher-Masoch had his druthers!)  In fact, neither freedom nor slavery have been abolished, only the conditions have changed, just the facts (ma’am).  Slavery has become softer and freedom harder to obtain.  It is easier to become a slave and submit oneself to more desirable conditions, and yet to attain freedom, one has to separate oneself from all desire.  Freedom is more difficult to recognize in a world where liberty is masked desire.  Here we also have a political system where to be free involves alienation of oneself from the democratic majority and from the republican representation of rule.  Slave owners have evolved into faceless entities, leaving behind two-story composite stone structures adorned with Masonic symbols in technical-colors occupied by wage-slaves all living alternative lifestyles of the poor and unconfident.  Even if these adorned structures were to be attacked, there is a vast insurance-government co-conspiracy which operates on the taxed backs of the employees therein to cover any damages to structure and relocation of merchandise to another Masonic carapace in a less violent district.  The Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO) doesn’t pay its employees commission and passes the savings where?  With the evolution of syntactic structuralism, the system of differences that is langue erodes the axon and broadens the transmittance gap.  In a world dominated by machines designed by engineers for monkeys, the mentally disturbed, disabled, and criminally inclined are put to work with an embedded sense of nationalism.  Those with middling intelligence and the middle-class, caveat!

Nothingness is unabridgable.

At a mouth of a cave, American troglodytes can be seen emptying mouthfuls of boxed food-stuffs into the insatiable gullet of gluten-free self.  Behind these equally insatiable eyes lies a mind pre-occupied with the attainment of freedom through pleasure, on the slouch-couch, alter of Hestia – goddess of the hearth – who causes one to sate thyself through one of many salty alternatives, blessing ion channels with a hearty, well-oiled crunch from thou nearest and dearest cracker or potato chip, all whilst blessing the television channels with a myriad of occipital lobe stimuli straight to the back of the head, where all the sights are stored.  Have a nice day!

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