Monday, January 23, 2012

Nietzsche, Spuller, Inspirations

…in majorem musicae gloriam—that is to say, by means of the sovereignty of music…music abstracted from and opposed to all the other arts, music as the independent art-in-itself, not like the other arts, affording reflections of the phenomenal world, but rather the language of the will itself, speaking straight out of the “abyss” as its most personal, original, and direct manifestation. This extraordinary rise in the value of music…was at once accompanied by an unprecedented rise in the estimation in which the musician himself was held: he became now an oracle, a priest, nay, more than a priest, a kind of mouthpiece for the “intrinsic essence of things,” a telephone from the other world—from henceforward he talked not only music, did this ventriloquist of God, he talked metaphysic; what wonder that one day he eventually talked ascetic ideals!”
music is pure will, from the freeest place possible. Freedom most high! it bleeds through me; along the way vitalizes my randomness pitchwise and breathwise. all in all just turn yourself off and turn it on. i enjoy surprising myself playing music, losing myself into shapes and corners of the world of vibrations that did not previously exist, it is creating a dream and being aware you are the dreamer and the dream. sit in the dark and build yourself a piano castle. Drive a rainy city night and melt redlightgreenlightblacknight splashing across windshield with saxophone sadnesses. Do not forget what sound is: movement between particles, wave nature racing across boundaries, dissimilar objects and unlikely subjects, connecting all with motion, heat, rattling atom to their core. 

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