Knives tend to raise more questions than they answer. What do we call this new world of order divided? Hierarchical tribunals convene to recess. Weapons, instruments of fear, suspend students, brought to shock. Moonlighting barbers fill the lowest military ranks in Quantico City, less than privates. 777 Enemies looking inimical:
It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorization, and not by academic discussions. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare.
What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? What has served for their guidance hitherto?
In the beginnings of the structure of society they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards – to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature right lies in force.
Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one’s party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, so-called liberalism, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears: the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism.
From: Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, from: Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper, pg. 268
Repulsion, revulsion, and rebellion are the initial responses, followed by the nauseating realization that rest and relaxation liberalism and the power-thought structures touted in college, university, and other institutional settings are just those worthless beliefs that tend to express indignation at the idea of challenging private removal for war-time scenarios. Elevating the masses to intellectual extremes, knowledge, like drugs, makes animals out of addicts who activate and catalyze the good times in their minds set to self-destruct like a calm time-bomb at the application of simile, sheathing discomfort in the darkness of obscurity, numbed by those drugs that in fact erode those synapses that vary chemical connections between parts, so inherent to our very survival (opiate). It’s so hard to keep up the act: as if I myself don’t desire to obtain those appurtenances that would allow me to just tune out… “All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control.”
In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of the society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children.
The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintaining some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class.
And perhaps he who desires to rule on his own behalf and establish for himself his own house and hierarchy of control outside a particular jurisdiction must recognize his own esteem and assert his own control. There is no hierarchy of control that one is obliged to follow, no man that one is obliged to worship, and God or the cosmic consciousness knows the hearts of men, if you happen to read The Bible or subscribe to unified field theory. Popular paranoid delusions haunt the minds made manifest to UFO, infesting again the collective with deceptions devoid of pure reason and full of little lies. Strange advice, that which demands literal obeisance in perpetuity. What is brought to the mind of the reader, a degenerative sort of thinker, digesting those things oft unfounded by inductive reasoning is:
Generally speaking, the significance of the indirect results may very often be of more importance than the significance of direct ones. And since we are able to trace how the energy of love transforms itself into instincts, ideas, creative forces on different planes of life; into symbols of art, song, music, poetry; so can we easily imagine how the same energy may transform itself into a higher order of intuition, into a higher consciousness which will reveal to us a marvelous and mysterious world.
P.D. Ouspensky, Tertium Organum
In this terminal light, the end of the world happened by detonating the Hydrogen of HelioJupiter by crashing 31 tons of raw Plutonium into it via rocket while playing Martian Bossa nova while one man recorded the event in a secluded dorm room somewhere in a buffalo winter land surrounded by bonhommes de neige (snowmen).
“you’re bound to upset a number of people that way, you know,” Sno1
“I know I know, but the patterns are clear! The coordinates are just coincidentally dividable by prime numbers? I THINK NOT! That’s exactly what they want us to believe for their primary objective of deriving power from the human element, isotope…”
“Dinner!” 3rd square meal of the day? Nine nerds reconnoiter.
“it is no wonder your friends think you’re crazy…true or not…this seems irrelevant to anything unless you want it to be!” Everything’s relevant on the mayan schemata… “Given the absence of evidence to corroborate theoretical backing, I would infer that the ends are not yet met, thus nullifying the assertion of your tone until some sort of control constant is established in your life.” SnoT
“The rock of my being weighted in as a quantity capable of being statistically analyzed does more to nullify my beliefs as a man of transcendental beginnings immune to the ills of the worlds working Roshaniya to my undoing.”
“As we are all of the same birth, born of the blood, titles are to be earned in one’s life through hard work alone,” said Pir1. “Inductive reasoning indicates thus, that practical skepticism is quite possibly seneschal to good faith.”
Sickle the end. Reap the benefits. Fuck your OCD.